Reforming Retail

Takeaways from Toast’s Investor Day (Part 2)

This is a continuation from our earlier series. Definitely some juicy bits in here. In fact, perhaps the most meaningful points of consideration are in the back half of this series. Toast goes multi-vertical...

Visa And Mastercard: “We Support Child Sex Trafficking and Terrorism, Not Cannabis”

We’d love to say that this can be solved in civilized, private market manner, but it took 20 years to settle a class action against Visa and Mastercard and the card schemes weren’t even penalized...

Takeaways from Toast’s Investor Day (Part 1)

Toast had an investor day with a lengthy (135-slide) presentation. Here’s the presentation for reference. There were some big learnings in here, and we’d say the largest change to Toast’s...

Using Kiosks, Olo As Barometer for Restaurant’s Glacial Adoption of Anything Sensical

Much has been written about the diffusion of innovation, and Clayton Christensen (RIP) brought its dynamics to the masses. Below is an image popularized by Clayton (source here) that we’ll reference for...

Summer 2024 Payment Bro Olympics

You can’t let an Olympic year pass without celebrating the fiercest competitors on the planet. How many of the televised Olympians bankrupted hundreds of thousands of small buisnesses? Fleeced...

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