NCR Promoting VP of Hospitality Product Role That Should Be Entirely Scrapped
NCR recently posted a VP of Hospitality Product role. Our guess is that this role was the one held b
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Walking around the streets of San Francisco – Square’s hometown – it’s odd tSubscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
The average profit margin for a restaurant falls between 3% and 9% depending on the type, with fast Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
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I really enjoy reading your blog at times and you seem extremely knowledgeable.
But it also seems as if you have a personal vendetta against NCR and it ruins your credibility a bit.
What is your beef with NCR?
NCR paints the bullseye on their own back. Everything they do is consistently wrong, and their market share is reflective of this. I’ve seen them make maybe one or two decent decisions over the past nine years. It’s important that there exist a good record of what NOT to do so other people avoid these mistakes.