Shift4 Quietly Increases Fees, Trademarks SimpleChange, And We’re Sad
All good things must come to an end.
Of latest concern is the fee increase we saw out of Shift4,
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[…] of doing terrible things to their customers, which have also been your customers, as demonstrated here, here, here, here (and there are undoubtedly many more examples that further support the pattern of […]
[…] In addition to scheme commingling, Shift4 is Interchange Commingling ™ (this is the first time we’ve seen this specific shenanigan in our history doing payments analysis, so Shift4 is probably trademarking this maneuver just like they did with Simplechange). […]
[…] reminds us of the Shaft4 “SimpleChange” scam, where Shaft4 tried to redefine Interchange with, presumably, enough markup to fly rockets to space […]