Reforming Retail

At It Again: Heartland Stuffs Statements with “Value Added Services” That Are LOLs for Days

Merriam Webster defines value as a fair exchange or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged.

We guess nobody bothered to run this by Heartland when they decided to cram more bogus fees onto their “customers”.

Heartland has started automatically opting their merchants into some really, really crappy products and billing them $110 a month for the privilege of calling Heartland their payments provider.

In this case Heartland is billing merchants for a functionally impotent analytics tool and an email marketing tool that’s so. much. worse. than an email marketing tool you could get from an SMB service provider like Constant Contact for literally $20/mo.

Like look at how shitty this UI is. Worse, Heartland won’t even tell you if an email campaign generated tangible sales. Uh, if you actually talked with customers you’d learn that nobody cares about clicks and opens: how about driving revenue into the business?

Crazy idea.

But hey, you got that awesome Heartland service behind you, right? The same service that won’t integrate to tools you want to use on your POS, or that will over-bill the shit out of you without so much a as an apology.

A lot of processors did the same thing with Womply, automatically turning it on even though the merchant never used it.

You have to admire the ingenuity of Heartland and Global in making up random crap to charge their merchants for. Calling it value is despicable.

Check your Heartland statements ASAP.

Oh, and if you see the innovators behind these quantum leaps of merchant value in Nashville, make sure you get their autographs: we see REALLY big things in their future. They’re undoubtedly gonna invent the next Facebook with these kind of moves and you’d be lucky to know them. Their parents must be so, so proud.

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