FIS Reveals Average Payments Margins, Leaving Us with Two Key Questions
In a perfect world the cost of accepting payments would be zero, and any moentization would come fro
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The average profit margin for a restaurant falls between 3% and 9% depending on the type, with fast Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Honestly, if the payments industry put as much time into furthering humanity is they did trying to sSubscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
We took one look at this deck and this is how the conversation played out in our minds:
Cameron: Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
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My bet is PayFacs sees pricing actions first. There’s probably one more large consolidation to happen and then it will be easier to pull off these actions to the PFs.
I’ve heard some creative ways processors are already raising margin on their payfacs. Investigation coming